Thursday, 19 August 2010

OC and IS - updates

(This is a follow-up post to the previous post.)

Just two days ago, during Level Assembly on Tuesday, Dr Hon told us about the minimum grades need to be achieved for OC and IS in order for us to be promoted to Sec 3 IP. That was the first time that we were made known about this.

We need to get a C5 (55%) for OC and a B3 (65%) for IS to be promoted to Sec 3 IP. Most students were shocked when Dr Hon told us about this because if you fail to achieve the requirement, you will be promoted also, but to 3Q.

I feel that we should have been informed about the requirement at the start of the year, not when Term 3 is ending. I think the individual academic subjects and the 2 new subjects can be improved as follows:

Individual SubjectsOral Communication (OC)Independent Studies (IS)
Class Tests45%CA (EL)30%ACE60%
End-of-year Exam40%CA (CL)30%Project Work40%

In individual academic subjects, class tests should weigh 15% per term, making a total of 45%. This is because this will stress the importance of class tests and students will take them more seriously. OP should also take 15% (5% each term) and leaving only 40% for the EOY Exam.

For OC, I think the current system is quite ok while for IS, ACE should take a higher percentage of 60%, capped at 20 points per term. Higher Chinese and Language Arts remain compulsory for Term 1, Higher Chinese for Term 2 and Language Arts for Term 3 and students can opt for all the other subjects. For project work, Prelim should carry a maximum of 5%, 25% for Semi-Finals and 10% for Finals.

May I have your views in the comment box please?

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Sunday, 7 March 2010

My View Towards New Subjects OC and IS

(Find out more about the two new subjects)

Generally, I think that with these two new subjects, students can preform not only well academically, but also scholastically.

As End-of-year Examinations have 70% weightage in the overall marks for individual subjects, I think students will put in more efforts and spend more time studying for examinations.

With Current Affairs in both langauges have taken up 60% of OC, I think that students will be well-prepared for Current Affairs discussions and take them more seriously and formally. OP has taken up 40% of the subject OC, encouraging students to speak up more in class.

50% of the subject IS is made up of ACE. Students are required to do ACE for Higher Chinese and Language Arts in term one, Higher Chinese and three other subjects in term two, Langauge Arts and three other subjects in term three. This prevents students from rushing for ACE submissions only at the end of term three. Instead, they will start doing their ACE at the begining of the year. Lastly, with the other half of IS made up of Project Work, I think students will put in more effort in doing their project.

In conclusion, I think the two new subjects bring a lot of advantages. What is your opinion towards these two new subjects? Please share them below.

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Two New Subjects: Oral Communication (OC) and Independent Studies (IS)

With effect from year 2010, there are two new subjects for Lower Secondary students: Oral Communication (OC) and Independent Studies (IS). There are also changes made for computation of overall marks for individual subjects.

Before year 2010, the computation of overall marks for individual subjects is 30% for class tests, 10% for OP and ACE respectively and another 50% for end-of-year examination. However, the school foresees an issue: If a student gets grade 'A1' for class tests and max his ACE and OP, he only needs to score a grade of 'B3' or 'B4' in End-of-year Examination in order for he to get 'A1' for his overall mark. Therefore, the school creates two new subjects, OC and IS, for students to study more thoroughly for examinations.

The subject OC consists of three components: 30% for Current Affairs in English Language, 30% for Current Affairs in Chinese Language and 40% for OP while the subject IS consists of two components: 50% for ACE and 50% for Project Work. An overview is as follows:

Before 2010

Individual Subjects
30%Class Tests
50%End-of-year Examination

2010 onwards

Individual SubjectsOral Communication (OC)Independent Studies (IS)
Class Tests30%CA (EL)30%ACE50%
End-of-year Exam70%CA (CL)30%Project Work50%

Now, may I have your view towards these two new subjects?

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(Read my view)

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

IT Home Learning: Multiple Intelligences Test (Result)

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Sunday, 28 February 2010

Independent Learning for FS@HCI Phase 2 Initiative Pilot Programme

The school has launched the FS@HCI Phase 2 Initiative Pilot Programme at the begining of year 2010 for half of the Sec 2 cohorts. This programme focuses on teaching pedagogies that aim to nurture students into self-directed learners.

Classes in the pilot programme follow the same syllabus and sit for the same examination as those not in the programme. However, students in the programme are expected to do their own content studies before coming to class and take active part in all learning activities. Curriculum time is used for clarification of doubts/concepts or group discussions and presentations. IT tools are used widely to enhance the teaching-learning process and to learn beyond the classroom. To benefit from this programme, students must be self-motivated and willing to take ownership of their own learning.

For Sec 2 Aphelion, the classes in the programme are 2A1 and 2A3. I am in class 2A3 therefore I am in the programme. Personally, I think independent learning is really important if you are placed in this programme. A lot of content studies need to be done before lessons in order to benefit from the lessons created for the programme. Self-controlled towards computer games is also very important. As laptop is widely used for learning in class, you need to control yourself not to play games while lessons are going on. If someone cannot resist computer games, I think it is better for him to be out of the programme and have normal lessons.

What are your thoughts towards the programme? Please leave your opinion below.

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Sunday, 21 February 2010

My CCA - Socrates Club

"What is your CCA?" "I am in the Socrates Club." "What is that?"

This is a conversation that occurs very frequently to me. Many people do not know about this CCA in our school. So now, I am going to talk about my CCA - the Socrates Club.

Socrates Club was formed in the January of year 2009 and members in this club are by invitation only. Members of Socrates Club have helped out in some school events, including hosting Maths Funtasia Room 1 during Hwa Chong Open House 2009, assisted in the Projects' Day 2009 Final Judging (Maths Research Category), organised Singapore Mathematics Project Festival (SMPF) Prelim Round 1 and so on. Our teachers-in-charge are Mr Rong, Ms Gwee and Mr Ang.

Our CCA is scheduled from 2.30pm to 5.30pm on Fridays. During CCA sessions, we do planning on our CCA activities and initiatives, solve Olympaid Maths questions and play games, such as the SET game etc.

Our club has planned to organise some competitions during the Maths Festival, including Daily Quiz via EMB, Sudoku Competition, Board Games Competition and Maths Trail.

I hope the above information has let everyone gets to know more about my CCA. If anyone still has any queries, please leave a comment below. Thank you :)

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Sunday, 7 February 2010

Name tag - Necessary or childish? (2)

(Read previous post)

This is a follow-up to the previous post. From this particular
discussion on Stomp, I have come across the view of some students towards wearing name tags on their school uniform.

Some students think that schools making students wearing name tags is to "increase the reasons to book a student". They think that the schools can book students easily if they forget to wear their name tags. They also think that the schools "need more people in the detention room". I think their view is rather childish. This is because the school is not so free to book students for no reasons.

Some say, if you feel name tags are annoying, you can "just wear a jacket on top" to cover it. Why do people bother about covering their name tags? Since name tag is part of the school uniform, why not just wear it and let it be? As mentioned in my previous post, wearing name tags can be a good thing.

The following is a quote, from the discussion, regarding the reasons for wearing name tags:
"... it's more for identification purposes and helps your teachers to remember your names (assuming you've never been taught by him/her before). It's also for emergencies like fire evacuation so if you get separated from the group at least the teachers know who you are and that you're safe"

Again, please post your view below.

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Name tag - Necessary or childish?

Regarding the above topic, may I just give some background information first.

Some schools in Singapore require their students to wear name tag on the school uniform. Currently, there are two types of name tags: the pin-on type and the iron-on type. The pin-on type can be removed from the school uniform while the iron-on type will always be sewn on the school uniform. The main purpose of wearing name tags is for identification purposes.

However, on the long run, some students think that wearing name tags is unnecesary. They think that wearing name tags causes a lot of inconveniences, such as their actions are limited because their name will be known immediately if they do anything inappropriate. Therefore, they remove their name tags after school so that anything done will not take them into trouble. Due to their hate towards wearing name tags, some even regard wearing name tags as childish!

In my opinion, this shall not matter because if you do not do anything wrong, why should you worry about your name to be known by others? On the other hand, wearing name tag may be good if you have done a good deed because others will know you.

After reading the above, it is time for you to give your opinion.
"Is it necessary for schools to make students wear name tags on their school uniform?"

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(Read follow-up post)